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Pop-Up Gaming Surgery with Pells Family

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We visited the Cribbs Causeway Bristol Game Store to talk to families and offer advice in our Pop-up Family Gaming Surgery. Here is the first of the episode from Bristol on Family Gamer TV -- catch the other videos here.

We talked to the Pells family who were in store looking for games. They used the PEGI ratings to avoid games that have too much swearing in them, and found the additional symbols on the back of the box useful. These identify what aspect of the game led to a particular PEGI age rating on the front.

They have kept the gaming consoles in the family room which means the Mrs Pells was happier that she knew what the younger gamers in the household were playing. This is a great way to not only keep an eye on children's gaming habits but get involved and talk to them about what they are playing.

Although there is pressure for this sort of technology to migrate to bedrooms as children get older, keeping it in a shared social space can actually mean the games are enjoyed more because they are shared experiences.

Many thanks to the staff of Game Cribbs Causeway who accommodated our FGTV filming session.

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Andrew Robertson
Andy Robertson is the editor of AskAboutGames and has written for national press and broadcast about video games and families for over 15 years. He has just published the Taming Gaming book with its Family Video Game Database.